Tabenisi - World without Poverty and
Ladies and
the concept we are
presenting to you today is literally worth gold - or, more precisely, millions
of Euros!
Or what amount of
a fee do you think would a firm of consultants charge to the Federal Government
for a plan that eliminates poverty and unemployment in this country from one
day to the next, so that the treasury saves billions of taxpayers’ money?
But do not worry:
you will learn here for free how the society as a whole and every individual
member on its own can overcome the burden of poverty and unemployment.
1. The
Essential first
Let us put the
essential first:
Poverty and unemployment are not inevitable natural
catastrophes which, as a result of force majeure, beset innocent people like a
They are the result of our egotism, of an unjust
system created by ourselves.
we have to do to eliminate them is to enforce justice:
is work in abundance. If we distribute justly the necessary work, there will be
more than enough to do for everyone.
planet is rich enough. If we distribute justly the proceeds of our collective
work, there will be more than enough wealth for everyone.
2. Tabenisi
Nicholas Roerich „Holy City“
Imagine the village of Tabenisi as a
settlement similar to an Israeli kibbutz where some 40 or 50 families are
living and working together.
The principles on the basis of which we
overcome poverty and unemployment are the same in a village, a city or a whole
3. Work in Abundance
"Unemployment" is a grotesque
notion: everywhere around us we see a boundless abundance of hardship,
suffering, dirt and imperfection.
These grievances can be overcome by
nothing else but work.
A state of the community in which work is
no longer necessary is not conceivable at all. A day on which there was nothing
to do, has not yet been seen in Tabenisi.
On the contrary: there is not less, but
much more urgent work to do than we have workers, time and strength at our
A society in which there are, on the one
hand, a huge amount of necessary work, but on the other hand millions
unemployed or underemployed, is very poorly organized indeed!
4. Community
Nicholas Roerich "Zwenigorod"
The key to a new construction is the
concept of community.
The people living in a country, a city or
a village should not regard themselves as a band of robbers, in which the law
of the jungle, the "right" of the strongest prevails, but as a real
community in which justice rules.
In a society in which everyone struggles
against everyone and every member is selfishly striving to grab as much as
possible for himself to the detriment of the others, applied ethics can at best
mitigate the worst excesses, but cannot solve the problems at the root.
In a true community (family, association,
brotherhood, order, kibbutz, monastery) there is no poverty and no
Because in a real community both the work
required and the income arising from it are shared justly. Everyone
makes a fair contribution and receives a just share.
Let us now look at how this concept works
in practice.
5. No Unemployment through just Distribution of Work
There are no unemployed people in
Tabenisi, because we distribute the work which is necessary in our community
fairly amongst all members.
If we share the burden, there can be no
unemployment - because there is no shortage of work.
6. Distribution of Work in Practice
How does that work in practice?
In the morning, the inhabitants of
Tabenisi meet in the village square. The work of the day is allocated: for
example, harvesting fruits and vegetables, milking cows, cultivating fields or
beds, producing goods, teaching children, nursing the old, curing the sick,
repair machines or houses, prepare food, and so on and so forth.
There is a task for everyone. On some days
there is more to do, on others less. Accordingly, the work to be performed by
the members of the community is sometimes more, sometimes less extensive.
But no one goes away empty-handed.
Something needs to be done every day.
7. Right to Work
In our community, everyone who is able
work has a right to work.
An existence without useful work is
unworthy of man. No one must be excluded from the life of the community, which
consists, first of all, of work for the improvement of the living conditions.
The persons in charge have to make sure
that everyone in his place and according to his abilities can make his
contribution to the common good. A system like that of the old world which does
not ensure the realization of this basic human right, fails.
In addition, in order to alleviate the
general distress, we literally need every hand. Not to exploit the capacity for
work especially of young people, or of the old who are normally shuffled off to
retirement homes, is a humiliation of those affected, a waste of resources and
the neglect of potential which we simply cannot afford in view of the gigantic
8. Obligation to Work
From the abundance of tasks follows:
Everyone who is able to work has a duty to make his contribution to the
accomplishment of the work that is necessary in our community every single day.
It is unethical to do nothing, even though
one can work: Necessary work would then remain undone or must be taken care of
by others in addition to their own duties - to which the idler then imposes
himself as a burden with his claim for securing his livelihood.
Everyone has to contribute according to
his abilities, otherwise he places himself outside the community.
This does not necessarily mean that all
must carry the same workload. Everyone can contribute only according to his
faculties. Both overwork and underemployment must be avoided. The normal duty
in Tabenisi is eight hours of work on five days a week.
9. No “Unconditional Basic Income”
An "unconditional basic income"
that leaves it to the pleasure of the individual, whether and what he
contributes, is a misguided concept. He who does only that what he is fond of
and refuses to do his part in order to cope with the necessary work, forfeits
his claim to participate in the prosperity of the community.
Only co-workers are entitled to a share of
the collectively earned income.
Just imagine: Someone is sitting with us
at the dining table. He asks for food, but is not prepared to participate in
its procurement or preparation; over and above that, he is not even willing to
help with the washing-up, but prefers to go back to his room to play the
guitar, and thus leaves the dirty work to us? Inconceivable!
This is, in truth, crudest egotism, which
will never be tolerated in any true community.
No community can be so stupid as to
support someone who makes the others work for him by refusing to participate in
the necessary work.
10. No „unacceptable“ Work
No one must exclude himself. For example,
if there is, at the moment, no legal work at hand for the lawyer of the
community, he should not be afraid to work elsewhere, for example if necessary
even to sweep the village square.
It is simply unimaginable in our community
that he puts his hands in his lap and does nothing, so that necessary work
remains undone or must be carried out by others in addition to their own tasks.
The usual concept of "unacceptable
work" is, in truth, completely absurd: How can a task that is necessary in
the community be unacceptable? He who does not find any other activity must not
be afraid to do away with the garbage which, after all, has to be removed by
It is better to do simple work and thus
contribute one’s small part than to do nothing at all.
11. No Poverty through just distribution of the Proceeds of Work
Through its work, our community creates
prosperity, namely, products that we use for our own needs or sell to others.
This wealth is to be distributed justly among all members. When prosperity
grows, all receive greater shares, when it diminishes, all must retrench. If we
share fairly what we have earned collectively, then there can be no poverty.
Here, too, justice does not necessarily
mean that all must receive the same amount. A higher qualification or a larger
contribution may be rewarded with a larger share. Or a family father who has to
support wife and children might be allocated more than a single person.
Justice, however, requires one thing: We
must also allow those who are only able to make a smaller contribution the full
participation in the life of the community. If all of us together create a
culture of high prosperity, we cannot leave the so-called "simple"
co-workers in a state of material need.
Therefore, in Tabenisi there is a
"basic salary" for all co-workers which allows a dignified human
life. Only when this is ensured do we consider to grant additional allowances
to individual overperformers.
Decisions are being made solely on the
basis of the principle of justice. Battles over distribution like in the
jungle, unworthy games of muscles, the enforcement of selfish interests by
violent means such as strikes or lockouts, have no place in a civilized
12. Technological Progress, declining Production
In the old world, there are two main
reasons for the rise of unemployment or poverty: The technological progress
which eliminates jobs, or declining production that costs both jobs and
How do we deal with these two challenges
in Tabenisi?
13. No Poverty and Unemployment through technological Progress
In the old world unemployment is created
by machines taking over the tasks of humans. This reduces the amount of work,
or individual jobs are lost completely.
How do we cope with this problem in
14. New Distribution of Work
The solution is quite simple: work is
redistributed. Since the machines take over some work, we all can work less.
If a job is completely lost, the person
concerned must work elsewhere in the community. Which is not a problem in view
of the abundance of urgent tasks.
A true community will not put into
unemployment those whose work is assumed by machines (for which they are not to
blame personally). Rather, the technological progress, the reduction of the
number of working hours, must benefit all co-workers.
15. New Distribution of Proceeds
If, using new machines, we continue to
sell the same number of products at the same price as before, sales, costs and
profits, and thus the prosperity of our community, will remain essentially the
same as before.
We can therefore continue to pay to all
co-workers the same share of the collectively earned proceeds.
As opposed to that, in the old world, the
entrepreneur claims the advantage of the technical progress for himself alone
by dismissing superfluous employees, imposing their upkeep on the community,
and increasing his profit through the saving of labour costs.
Such selfish behaviour is unthinkable in a
true community.
16. Blessing of technological Progress
Thus, the progress of technology becomes a
blessing, because machines reduce the burden of primitive work. It is a great
relief that washing machines, combine harvesters, or speech recognition
programs, by which the computer converts dictates without the help of a
secretary into written text, spare humanity monotonous routine work.
Just imagine: In 50 years from now it
might be possible, because of the advances in technology, to generate the
present prosperity, the current gross national product, with only half of
today's working time. Would that not be a reason to rejoice, instead of
complaining about the "loss of jobs"?
Would it not be wonderful if we all had to
work less in our profession in order to earn our daily bread? Who of you would
not like to have more time for the really important things: family, spiritual
interests, unsalaried activity?
Would we not come closer to the
realization of a dream, if we could make do with half-day work without
sacrificing prosperity? However, this is possible only if we allow the
advantage of automation to benefit all community members.
17. No Poverty and Unemployment through declining Production
Problems arise when the turnover of our
businesses drops, for example because competitors offer the same products
cheaper or in better quality.
Then, we can sell only fewer products at
the old price, the same number of products only at a lower price, or even fewer
products at a lower price. Then there is less work and less profit.
18. New Distribution of Work
If fewer goods are produced and less work
is required, this loss must be distributed fairly. All members of the community
will then work less. We all share the consequences of our diminished
If individual jobs are completely
eliminated, the affected members have to change to another working place.
19. New Distribution of Proceeds
For example, if the community's profit
drops by 10%, the share of all co-workers must be reduced by 10%.
The principle of just distribution of the
necessary work and of the collectively earned revenues remains in full force
and effect - only with shares on a lower level.
20. Applied Ethics solve economical Problems
The example of Tabenisi shows: An ethical
economic and labour policy must be based upon the principle that everyone makes
a fair contribution and receives a just share of what has been earned
This requires responsibly acting
co-workers who shake off their egotism, place the rule of justice above their
own advantage, and whose aim it is to contribute more to the common pot than
they withdraw from it.
You see: Morals
are not a luxury which you can afford if you have enough resources, and which
you put off when it gets serious. On the contrary: Applied ethics are the only
means to solve our material everyday problems!
The fight against
poverty and unemployment is a struggle for justice. Justice is a revolutionary
concept that completely changes our world - if we only master the strength to
enforce it.
21. The
Path of the Individual
Caspar David Friedrich „ Wanderer
above the Sea of Fog“
For those who do
not live in Tabenisi, the question arises: How can you overcome the burden of
poverty and unemployment on your own?
You can join our
community at any time, even if you dwell elsewhere. You can live in the
diaspora according to our principles as well. No follower of Tabenisi is ever
poor or unemployed!
22. New
Auguste Rodin „The Thinker“
Recall once more:
Objectively there is work in abundance. The so-called "unemployment"
does not exist in reality, but only in our minds - there it must be fought. You
have to create a new consciousness, a better attitude towards the problems of
everyday life.
Regain your Self-Esteem
you were put out of work, first of all you have to regain your self-esteem,
your pride and your dignity.
Remember: your situation is not due to your own
personal inadequacy, but to the fact that you are forced to live in an unjust
system, among selfish people who are unwilling to share. This is not your fault
and no reason to feel inferior.
24. Shake
off Egotism
Lex Drewinski „Homo homini
Above all, you
must overcome your own egotism, that means:
Do not participate
in the fight of everyone against everyone. Do not try, as the others, to grab
as much as possible from the common pot for yourself, because that necessarily
means to take away from the others as much as possible.
Think about how
you can give back to the community the support which you receive. Earn what you
get as social aid! Your endeavour must always be to contribute more than you
claim - only in this way you maintain your dignity.
Unsalaried Labour
can this come true? Even as an "unemployed", you can leave the
private area of your home, like any professional, in the morning to do eight
hours of work for the common good.
payment is not in the foreground, it will no longer be difficult for you to
find a place where you can make your contribution to eliminate a small part of
the omnipresent hardship, suffering and dirt:
can take care of the elderly or the sick, of neglected children or other people
in distress. You can turn to the churches, the Red Cross, or other charities.
You can clean or embellish an ugly corner in your area. If you keep your eyes
open, there will be more urgent tasks than you can ever manage to cope with.
you succeed, you have overcome your unemployment. In all reality, you then have
earned what the society gives you as a so-called "unemployment
If you do eight hours a day of honorary work for the
common good, you do not have to regard as alms the share of the collective
wealth which you receive. You can be as proud of it as any employee of his
26. Wealth in the Heart
you will not feel poor, but rich when you can give so much, when you have found
a way to make your valuable contribution to the common good. The need for
survival is being taken care of - that what goes beyond is of little
The true wealth lies within the heart, where, as Jesus says, it cannot be stolen by
thieves or corroded by rust. To finish this Broadcasting, let us listen to the
popular saying:
If you do not create Heaven within your own heart, you
will not be able to find it anywhere else in the world.