Series "Education"



Broadcasting 1: Self-Perfection


Part 1          Part 2         Part 3        Part 4 

Part 5          Part 6         Part 7       Part 8


Section I: Education  Self-Education. Formation of the Eternal Individuality. Exercise. Practical tip. Education in the middle of life. Practical tip

Section II: Renouncing bad habits and bad qualities: The importance of habits. No old habits on new ways. Casting off bad habits. Practical tip. Casting off bad qualities. Practical tip. Acquire good properties

Section III: No service without self-perfection: Only the New Man will build the New World. Suitability for service. Tasks according to suitability

Section IV: Self-Education as service



Broadcasting 2: Education of the physical Body


Part 1          Part 2         Part 3        Part 4      Part 5

Part 6      Part 7          Part 8        Part 9     Part 10


Education plan

Section I: Higher and lower self: Spirit. The lower self. The Higher Self. The Fiery Body

Section II: Struggle between Higher and Lower Self: Conquering oneself. Slay the dragon. Practical tip: Starve the dragon. Transformation of the old into the New Man

Section III: Self-Mastery: Establishing the rule of the spirit over oneself. Self-mastery.

Section IV: Means of Education: Spiritual discipline. Practical tip: Transforming pain of the soul into joy. Strengthening the will. Practical Tip: Self-command. Habit. Vows. No prohibitions. Practical Tip: Think positive. Man is every moment new. Use every day. Living together with teacher and soulmates. Practical tip: Practise living together with your soulmates

Section V: Education of the physical Body: Function of the physical body. Purification of the physical body. Mastery of the physical body. Practical tip: Listen to the voice of your soul. Practical tip: Experience the happiness of meditation. Practical tip: Let the ideal person act. Strengthening the physical body. Refinement of the physical body



Broadcasting 3: Mastery of Thoughts


Part 1          Part 2         Part 3        Part 4      Part 5

Part 6      Part 7          Part 8        Part 9     Part 10


The epoch of thought. School of thought. Body of thoughts

Section I: Nature, Significance and Power of Thoughts: Thoughts as indestructible living beings. The power of thoughts

Section II: Thoughts create the Person you are 

Section III: Thoughts create the World in which you live: Thoughts form the inner World. Human thoughts create sickness and health of the earth

Section IV: Control of Thoughts: Responsibility for thoughts. Purification of thoughts. Observation of thoughts. Do not think small, think big. Expel negative thoughts. Exercise: Solemnity. Thinking based on the Cosmic Order. Practical tip: Research of causes. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Exercise: Turn suffering into joy. Exercise: Spend one day without negative thoughts. Direct your thoughts through the heart. Practical tip: Pause. Banish distracting thoughts. Example meditation. Practical Tip: Visualisation. Think briefly, clearly, concentrated and purposefully. Practical Tip: Regular thought control. Fiery condition.

Section V: Calling forth and turning off Thoughts at will

Section VI: Mental Control of Desires

Section VII: In Temptation: Practical tip: Quotations from the teaching on index cards. Obedience, spiritual discipline. Take refuge in the Higher World. Exercise: Take Refuge in the Teaching, in the Teacher and in the Community. Pursue a goal. Practical tip: Cost-benefit calculation. Exercise: Rejoice in temptations as opportunities



Broadcasting 4: Mastery of Feelings


Part 1          Part 2         Part 3        Part 4      Part 5     Part 6

Part 7      Part 8          Part 9        Part 10     Part 11     Part 12     Part 13


Section I: Mastery of Feelings in general: Body of feelings. Observe and examine your feelings. Mastery of feelings. Drive away unwanted feelings. Exercise: Extend periods of positive feelings. Overcoming moods. Change of thinking. 3 Examples. Directing feelings through the heart. Exercise: Constant vigilance. Calling forth and turning off feelings at will. Practical tip: In the evening self-examination. Mastery of instincts

Section II: Particular Feelings:

Irritation: Spiritual poison. Practical tip: Love. Fight irritation! Remedy. Exercise: Deep breathing

Dejection: Illness. Practical tip: Egotism. Exercise: Do not burden your fellow men. Fight dejection! The weakness is within you. Remedy: Change your thinking. Remedy: Take the standpoint of eternity. Remedy: Cognition of the Cosmic Order. 8 Examples. Exercise: Create the Fiery State. Practical tip: Striving towards the future. Remedy: Striving upwards. Exercises "Elevation" and "Meditation". Summon help from Above. Practical tip: Leave the care to the teacher. Victory in spirit.

Fear: Poison for the Spirit. Permanently in Danger. Practical Tip: Vigilance and Readiness for Defence. Fight Fear! Remedy. Exercise: Check yourself for remnants of fear. Freedom

Doubts: Illness. Practical tip: Doubting is not an intellectual pleasure. Fight doubts! Remedy

Serenity: Inner peace. Calmness in the middle of the storm. Exercise: Remain the same in joy and suffering. Balance through straining of all forces. Serenity is a special wisdom. Practical tip: Maintaining composure as a test. Serenity through liberation from desires. Serenity through connection with the Higher World. Submission

Patience: Hectic is unspiritual. Acquire patience through mental work. Practical tip: Test of patience

Solemnity: Acquiring solemnity through mental work




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